depositing site中文
- Liihe palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : evergreen broad - leaved forest dominated by castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis and anacardiaceae etc occurred on the slopes near the deposit site ; mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest occurred on the area of high elevation , and main elements were tsuga , podocarpus , pinus , picea and abies etc . seven paleoclimatic parameters of liihe area estimated include mat ( 13 . 3 - 20 . 9c ) , wmt ( 22 . 5 - 27 . 5c ) , cmt ( 2 . 5 - 12 . 6c ) , dt ( 12 . 1 - 24 . 8c ) , map ( 803 . 6 - 1254 . 7mm ) , mmap ( 179 . 4 - 281 . 9mm ) and mmip ( 10 . 2 - l8 . 5mm ) . yangyi palynoflora comprises of 52 palynomorphs belonging to 32 families . the percentage of angiosperms is 61 . 5 % , gymnosperms 9 . 6 % , pteridophytes 25 . 0 % , algae 3 . 9 %
呂合孢粉植物群的組成反映該地區在沉積時期植被具有垂直分帶特征,沉積地附近分布有常綠闊葉林,包括殼斗科的青岡屬、栲屬、石櫟屬和漆樹科等植物,以及多種亞熱帶和溫帶闊葉成分;林中混生少量針葉樹(如松屬和杉科等) ;林內蕨類植物較少;距沉積地較遠的海拔較高的地區分布由鐵杉屬、冷杉屬、雪松屬和云杉屬組成的針闊混交林或針葉林。 - Longling palynoflora comprises of 86 palynomorphs belonging to 61 families , and consist of angiosperms ( 69 . 0 % ) , gymnosperms ( 4 . 6 % ) , pteridophytes ( 24 . 1 % ) and algae ( 2 . 3 % ) . longling palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : humid evergreen broad - leaved forest occurred on the slopes near the deposit site , and dominant elements were castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis , mixed with ericaceae , anacardiaceae and sapindaceae etc , and abundant ferns grew in the forest ; the mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest distributed on the area of high elevation , dominant elements were tsuga , pinus , picea and abies